Đề thi nói môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 cuối kì I - Năm học 2020-2021

Đề thi nói môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 cuối kì I - Năm học 2020-2021

Tell some places of interest you know.

- (Tay Ho village in Hue – it’s traditional crafts – It’s the birthplace of conical hat in Hue )

- ( Viet Nam national Museum of History in Ha Noi – it’s near Hoan Kiem Lake, there’s an extensive collection of artefacts tracing Vietnam’s history )

- (Bat Trang pottery village – As far as I know it’s one of the most famous traditional crafts village, it’s not far from Ha noi center. If you go there, the artisans will teach you how to make things such as pots, vases, or bowls.)


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I. Chủ đề nói - Topic nói học kì 1 tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2020
Topic 1. Local environment
1. Tell some places of interest you know.
- (Tay Ho village in Hue – it’s traditional crafts – It’s the birthplace of conical hat in Hue )
- ( Viet Nam national Museum of History in Ha Noi – it’s near Hoan Kiem Lake, there’s an extensive collection of artefacts tracing Vietnam’s history )
- (Bat Trang pottery village – As far as I know it’s one of the most famous traditional crafts village, it’s not far from Ha noi center. If you go there, the artisans will teach you how to make things such as pots, vases, or bowls.)
- (The Temple of Literature – it’s located in Hanoi , it’s considered the 1st university in Viet Nam)
- (Hoi An town – it is located in Quang Nam province – if you go there on 15th of each lunar month, you can enjoy the lights of many beautiful lanterns)
Related questions
1. Why do tourists like to buy handicrafts as souvenirs ? ( Because the handicrafts remind them of specific region)
2. Why do people like to go Bat Trang village? ( Because people can buy things for their house and make pottery themselves there)
3. Do you like to go to Viet Nam national Museum of History and The Temple of Literature ? Why?
(yes, I like to go there because I am interested in history, I want to widen my knowledge, it’s useful for my studying)
Topic 2: City life
1. Tell some the best city in the world to live in you know. (Melbourne (Australia), Tokyo, Paris, Osaka)
2. Which city would you like to go ? Why? (..because it has good condition to study, entertainment and find a good job )
3. However, living in a big city has a number of drawbacks, do you agree or disagree?
(I agree with you because there are a lot drawbacks in a big city , for example pollution, noise, traffic jam, crime .
4. Would you like to live in the countryside or city? Why?
(Although there are a lot of drawbacks in a big city, it still has the advantage, so I prefer to live in the city because I think that life in the city is always more exciting and more comfortable than life in the countryside, It is easy to study, entertainment, for example you can improve English at the language center, or go to sport center when you have free time)
Topic 3: Teen stress and pressure
1. It is necessary to have life skills for teenagers, which skills do you have? (p31)
2. Have you ever been stressed? What is your problem?(p28)
3. A. I always feel nervous when I have a big assignment to complete, I don’t know where to start. It’s too difficult! – If you were me, what would you do? (p28)
B. If you want to become a designer, but you parents want you to become a doctor because they think that designer is difficult to find job in the future. What would you do? (p35)
Topic 4: Wonders of Viet Nam
1. Tell some wonders of Viet Nam you studied or you know
2. Which place do you like best? Why?
(Ha Long Bay. It is known that Ha Long Bay was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994. It magical place. It is situated in Quang Ninh province . It’s one of the most extraordinary natural wonder. People who are interested in history should visit Van Don Island, Poem Island and Bach Dang river..
3. Now I want to visit Hue City. Could you give me some tips?
I’m afraid I will lost my way, what should I do?
II. Chủ đề nói tiếng Anh lớp 9 cả năm mới nhất
1. Phần 1 - Personal Information/ Introduce yourself
Tự giới thiệu về mình (HS linh hoạt giới thiệu về mình
(Học sinh tự nói ít nhất 4 - 5 câu về bản thân mình)
- Name / middle name / family name.
- Age.
- Job.
- Class / grade.
- School
-Home address.
Suggested Introduction:
My name is ............./ I'm........... I'm a student of class ...., TP lower secondary school. Every day I get up at 5, do morning exercises, and then have breakfast at 6. After that, I go to school at 6.15. My school is not far from my house, so I walk. ........
2. Phần 2.1 - Chủ đề nói học kì 2 lớp 9 năm 2019 - 2020
Talking about the given topic 
Choose a topic and present it (Chọn 01 chủ đề và trình bày)
Talk about what you should do to protect the environment.
You should say:
- Environmental problems nowadays
- Ways to protect the environment
Talk about what you should do to save energy.
You should say the ways how to:
+ reduce garbage
+ reusing paper
+ saving energy in the kitchen
(You can the ideas in the student's book on page 62)
Talk about the advantages of solar energy.
You can use the cues given:
Solar energy/ cheap/ clean/ effective source of power/ not/ cause/ pollution/ waste/ natural resources/ / only one percent/ solar energy/ get/ earth/ provide/ enough power/ world's population/ / many countries/ already using/ solar energy/ / we hope/ VN/ have/ solar energy program/ near future/ /
Talk about a festival you know.
You should say:
- The name of the festival
- What the festival is
- Where the festival is held
- When the festival is held
- How the festival is held
- Why the festival is held
- What you think about the festival
- Talk about some natural disasters you know .
- And talk what you think you want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon.
- Tell a story about typhoon, using the words given on page 79 (student's book) .
Talk about the existence of UFOs.
Do you believe in the existence of UFOs? Why?/ Why not?
PART III: Answer the questions based on one of the topics (Trả lời câu hỏi dựa vào nội dung chủ đề vừa trình bày.)
3. Phần 2.2 - Chủ đề nói học kì 1 lớp 9 mới năm 2019 - 2020
Choose a topic and present it (Chọn 01 chủ đề và trình bày)
Talk about one of your close friends/ pen friends/ pen pals.
You should say:
- Describe a friend. - How long have you known each other? - What do usually do together? - What do you like the most about him/ her? - How often do you see each other?
Talk about uniforms/ Ao dai "a traditional dress"
You should say:
+ Should lower secondary school students wear uniforms? Why?/ Why not?
(You may use the outlines in the student's book on pages 19/ 20)
Talk about life in the countryside. You should say:
- Tell a country picnic. (You may use the ideas in the student's book on pages 26/ 27)
- Which do you prefer living: countryside or city? Why?
- Tell some changes about life in the countryside.
Talk about learning foreign languages.
You should say:
- Do you think learning foreign languages is very important, especially English? Tell the reason.
- What should you do to improve your English?
Talk about the media.
You should say:
- Tell some media you know.
- Tell some advantages & disadvantages of the Internet
PART III: Answer the questions based on one of the topics (Trả lời câu hỏi dựa vào nội dung chủ đề vừa trình bày.)
4. Phần 3 - Questions for the topics
Học sinh trả lời bộ câu hỏi tương ứng theo mỗi chủ đề dưới đây.
- Do we think friendship is important? Why?
- Do you have any pen friends/ pen pals?
- How often do you write to each other?
- What do you like the most about him/ her?
- What type of clothes do you like to wear?
- What do you usually wear on the weekend? Why do you wear these clothes?
- What type of clothes do you wear on special occasions?
- What kind of clothes do you dislike?
- Where is your home village?
- What do people often do for a living in the countryside?
- What are some advantages & disadvantages of the countryside and a city?
- Do you like learning English? Why?
- What aspect of learning English do you need to improve?
- What should you do to improve the aspects of learning English you are not good at?
- Do you like watching TV/ reading newspapers/ magazines/ listening to the radio/ using the internet?
- How many hours a day/ week do you spend watching TV?.........

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  • docde_thi_noi_mon_tieng_anh_lop_9_cuoi_ki_i_nam_hoc_2020_2021.doc