Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 19 (Có đáp án) - Năm học 2017-2018 - Sở GD&ĐT

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 19 (Có đáp án) - Năm học 2017-2018 - Sở GD&ĐT

Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.

36. My library card is up for renewal next year. It expires in December. NEW

37. Oh, hello Mr. Mader! It's a pleasure to have you here. PLEBASE

38. Her scruffy appearance didnd't reflect her personality. APPEAR

39. The rehearsal helped to improve the students' performance in the school play. REHEARSE

40. The efficiency of the education system in Finland is famous all around Europe. EFFICIENT

41. The experts predicted prosperity for the company in 2015. PROSPER

42. The coach's lack of leadership affected the relationship between the players of the team. LEADER

43. The government is noted for its uncompromising drugs policy. COMPROMISE

44. Critics say he has been weak and indecisive. DECIDE

45. The economies of Western Europe and Japan experienced unprecedented growth. PRECEDE

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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
(Đề thi gồm có 08 trang) 
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) 
Ngày thi:  
SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 points) (You will hear twice for each part) 
Part 1. Listen to the recording twice. Choose the correct answer for each of the following blanks. 
1. About how long was the man in the shower? 
 A. 20 minutes B. 25 minutes C. 30 minutes 
2. About how many gallons of water did the man waste during his shower? 
 A. 60 B. 50 C. 40 
3. How much was their water bill last month? 
 A. $103 B. $113 C. $130 
4. The man doesn't have a lot of money because _______. 
 A. he has an expensive car loan B. he is paying for school C. he's not working now 
5. The woman suggests that her brother _______________ to help them save money. 
A. only shower on weekends B. take a shower at the gym C. shower at their parents' house 
Part 2. Listen to the recording twice. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words 
or numbers for each answer. 
Entry Details 
Cost of entry: ..£5 
Length of story: approximately (1) .. 
 Story must include: a (2) .. ending. 
Minimum age: (3) .. 
Last entry date: 1st .. 
Web address: www.(5) ...com 
Don’t: (6) .. the story to the organizers. 
Họ và tên thí sinh: .......................................................... Số báo danh: .. 
Giám thị 1: ..................................................................... Giám thị 2:  
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
Judging and Prize Details 
The competition is judged by (7) .. 
The top five stories will be available (8) .. 
The top story will be chosen by the (9) .. 
The first prize is a place at a writers’ workshop in (10) .. 
Part 1: Questions from 16 to 36. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each) 
Choose the best answer to each question. 
16. You will have to ________ your holiday if you are too ill to travel. 
A. put off B. cut down C. put out D. put up 
17. ________, after trying three times, he passed the examination. 
A. Lastly B. Last of all C. Last D. At last 
18. This is the oldest building ________ the village. 
A. of B. by C. in D. to 
19. ________ scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply. 
A. late B. later C. Latter D. Lately 
20. four o’clock Mr Hutchinson still had some ________ to do in the garden. 
A. work B. job C. effort D. task 
21. Very few scientists ________ with completely new answers to the world’s problems. 
 A. come to B. come around C. come up D. come in 
22. If you want to telephone him you will have to ________ the number in the book. 
 A. look at B. look to C. look through D. look up 
23. She began to feel nervous when the train pulled up at the ________ between Austria and 
 A. limit B. edge C. bar D. border 
24. Students are expected to ________ their classes regularly. 
 A. assist B. frequent C. attend D. follow 
25. He was pleased to have the ________ to hear such a fine musician play hit favorite piece of 
 A. occasion B. possibility C. fate D. opportunity 
26. We had a marvelous holiday: only the last two days were slightly ________ by the weather. 
 A. damaged B. hurt C. ruined D. spoiled 
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
27. Ann is so ________ to succeed that I am sure nothing will stop her. 
 A. determined B. willing C. strong D. patient 
28. On Sundays the business center of the city was usually quite ________. 
 A. left B. deserted C. unpopular D. unattended 
29. Before you sign anything important, pay careful _____ to all the conditions. 
 A. notice B. attention C. regards D. reference 
30. When I came through the customs at the airport I had to pay ________ on a clock I had bought. 
 A. taxes B. duty C. fines D. rates 
31. It was after dark when the two children were both ________ on the safety-crossing by a lorry. 
 A. knocked down B. knocked out C. run across D. run out 
32. Will you _______ my essay, please, to find out whether I made any mistakes? 
 A. see through B. look through C. look up D. look into 
33. At the moment my car is at the garage being made ready for a ________ across Europe. 
 A. journey B. route C. travel D. progress 
34. He asked an artist to ________ some drawings to illustrate what he had written. 
 A. show B. make C. paint D. describe 
35. The rising _____ of living is as hard on country families as on city families. 
 A. amount B. cost C. expense D. increase 
Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each) 
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences. 
36. My library card is up for .. next year. It expires in December. NEW 
37. Oh, hello Mr. Mader! It's a .. to have you here. PLEBASE 
38. Her scruffy .. didnd't reflect her personality. APPEAR 
39. The .. helped to improve the students' performance in the school play. REHEARSE 
40. The .. of the education system in Finland is famous all around Europe. EFFICIENT 
41. The experts predicted .. for the company in 2015. PROSPER 
42. The coach's lack of .. affected the relationship between the players of the team. LEADER 
43. The government is noted for its .. drugs policy. COMPROMISE 
44. Critics say he has been weak and ... DECIDE 
45. The economies of Western Europe and Japan experienced .. growth. PRECEDE 
Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50.(1 point - 0.2/ each) 
Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them. 
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
46. The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than that of a teacher. 
47. Emmy was determined to succeed and final achieved what she wanted. 
48. I would rather she is staying at home at the moment. 
49. All of the mammals, dolphins are undoubtedly among the friendly to human. 
50. Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities. 
Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55.(1 point - 0.2/ each) 
Fill in each of the sentences with correct prepositions. 
51. Mary found it hard to concentrate .. her work because of the noise. 
52. It is better to try to work .. rather than against the boss. 
53. Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke .. a warehouse yesterday. 
54. These paintings have been .. possession of my family for generations. 
55. Why is the media so preocupied .. the love lives of politicians? 
SECTION III: READING (6.0 points) 
Part 1. Questions 56 – 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each) 
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. 
 One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power 
of International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called 
‘the death of distance’, brought about by the (56) ________, allows professional services such as 
(57) ________ education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (58) ________ areas. 
Some of the gains can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations 
range from (59) ________ government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a 
(60) ________ market. But already a huge and expanding (61) ________ divide is opening up 
between developed and developing nations. The major task facing world leaders at present is to (62) 
________ everybody on the planet with clean water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight 
preventable diseases. Installing a (63) ________ in every classroom and linking us all to (64) 
________ must be a lesser (65) ________, for the time being at least. 
56. A. computer B. telephone C. modem D. internet 
57. A. stationery B. software C. hardware D. equipment 
58. A. far B. uninhabited C. remote D. secluded 
59. A. programmed B. broadcast C. recorded D. online 
60. A. global B. technical C. village D. shrinking 
61. A. physical B. digital C. electrical D. economical 
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
62. A. supply B. give C. donate D. administer 
63. A. plug B. video C. mobile phone D. modem 
64. A. the real world B. cyberspace C. virtual reality D. outer space 
65. A. priority B. advantage C. importance D. criteria 
Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each) 
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question 
 Wood has long been a popular building material in North America because it has generally been 
plentiful and cheap. Swedish settlers in Delaware built log cabins as early as 1630s. In New England, 
British colonists built wooden ‘saltbox houses’. Most of the wooden homes of Colonial times could 
be built with simple tools and minimal skills. 
 In the early 19th century, the standard wooden house was built with beams set into heavy posts 
and held together with wooden pegs. This method of construction was time – consuming and 
required highly skilled workers with special tools. The balloon – frame house, invented in 1833 in 
Chicago by a carpenter from Hartford. Connecticut, used a frame of lightweight lumber, mostly 24 
and 26 inches. This type of house could be assembled by any careful worker who could saw in a 
straight line and drive a nail. 
 This revolution in building was made possible by improved sawmills that could quickly cut boards 
to standard sizes and the lower cost of lumber that resulted. There were also new machines that 
could produce huge quantities of inexpensive nails. Skeptics predicted that a strong wind could send 
such houses flying through the air like balloons and, at first ‘balloon frame’ was a term of derision. 
But the light frames proved practical, and wooden houses have been basically built this way ever 
66. What is the main purpose of the passage? 
A. To trace the influence of Swedish and British settlers on American styles of buildings. 
B. To stress the importance of wood as a building material. 
C. To compare methods of constructing wooden houses in various parts of the country. 
D. To describe a revolutionary technique for constructing wooden houses. 
67. According to the passage, where did the inventor of the balloon - frame house originally come 
A. Connecticut B. Chicago C. Sweden D. Delaware 
68. Which of the following questions about the balloon-frame house is NOT answered in the passage? 
A. Where was it invented? 
B. What was its inventor’s name? 
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
C. What size was most of the lumber used in its framework? 
D. In what year was it invented? 
69. The author implies that which of the following types of houses required the most skill to produce? 
A. The log cabin built by Swedish settlers. 
B. Saltbox houses. 
C. Standard wooden houses of the early 19th century. 
D. Balloon – frame houses. 
70. All of the following are factors in the development of the balloon - frame house EXCEPT ______. 
A. the invention of sophisticated tools B. the production of cheap nails 
C. improvements in sawmills D. the falling price of lumber 
71. According to the passage, why was the term balloon -frame applied to certain houses? 
A. They could be moved from place to place. 
B. They could be easily expanded. 
C. They had rounded frames that slightly resembled balloons. 
D. They were made of lightweight materials. 
72. The word derision is closest in meaning to _______. 
A. affection B. ignorance C. ridicule D. regret 
73. Skeptics thought that the balloon – frame house would be _________. 
A. expanded B. blown away C. demolished D. raised 
74. The standard method of construction in the early 19th century was described as _________. 
A. revolutionary B. basic C. innovative D. time – consuming 
75. Most of the wooden houses of Colonial times were _________. 
A. difficult to build B. easy to build C. demanding D. challenging 
Part 3: Questions 76 – 85 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each) 
Read the text and fill in one word which best fits each gap. 
Most people know that cigarette smoking is (76) .. to their health.Scientific 
research shows that it can (77) .. many kinds of diseases. In fact, many people (78) 
.. smoke get lung cancer. Doctors believe that it may also cause lung cancer in people 
who (79) .. not smoke. Nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from (80) 
.. people’s cigarette. This is secondhand smoking. People are becoming very (81) 
.. of the danger of secondhand smoke, As a result, they (82) .. passed 
laws that prohibit people from smoking in many public places. Besides, many government tend to 
(83) .. put taxes on cigarette so as to discourage people from smoking. With all the 
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông 
Hotline: 0902196677 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luyenthiamax/ 
concerted effort (84) .. of the authority and non-smokers, we can look forward to the 
world (85) .. smoking. 
SECTION IV: WRITING (4.0 points) 
Part 1: Questions from 86 to 90.(2 point- 0.4/ each) 
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence 
printed before it. 
86. If I were Peter, I’d look for another job. 
=> I .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 
87. The teacher started to write the lesson plan right after he returned home 
=> Hardly ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 
88. We couldn’t get nearer because of the police 
=> The police ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 
89. They say that Nam is the brightest student in our school 
=> No ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 
90. I only recognizes him when he came into the room 
=> It was ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 
Part 2: Questions from 91 to 92.(2 points - 0.4/ each) 
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the 
word given. Do not change the word given. 
91. People generally think of tennis as a safe sport. considered 
 Tennis .... a safe sport. 
92. It is advisable not to climb mountains after a heavy snowfall. avoid 
 You .... mountains after a heavy snowfall. 
93. Sarah cried her eyes out immediately she was told she failed the exam. tears 
 Sarah .... as she had failed the exam. 
94. Delia will no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. put 
 Delia will not .... from her colleagues any longer. 
95. I find driving on the left in England very strange. used 
 I am not .... the left in England. 
THE END ... 
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